Condition Overview
Acne & Rosacea FAQs
If you are starting a new skin care regime, you will need to wait approximately 1-3 skin cycles so 6 – 18 weeks to see improved results. This gives the skin care a chance to work on making changes to the cell’s health, condition, vitality and strength.
A skin cycle is the process where a new skin cell is formed at the deepest layer of the epidermis and works it’s way up to the surface of the skin. Skin cycles can vary between individuals and are affected by factors such as age, hormones, skin condition/health and stress. On average a skin cycle is 5-6 weeks. At the age of 19-21, the process can take 14-21 days compared to a middle-aged adult where it is estimated to be 28 days. As we grow older, this skin cycle slows to about 45-60 days in our 40’s and 50’s. It can further slow to about 60-90 days in our 50’s and 60’s.
As we age our skin cycle slows down and dead cells accumulate on the surface of skin. Loss of skin laxity and repeated muscle movements can cause sagging, fine lines and wrinkles. Bacteria can become trapped causing blemishes and breakouts. Discoloured and irregular cells can also become trapped causing spots and discolouration. So, it is important to choose skin care products that can accelerate your cellular turnover and keep renewing the surface with fresh new skin cells.
Medical-grade skincare is designed to work on the deeper layers of the skin so immediate results are not always seen. Over the counter, cosmeceutical skin care works on the surface of your skin, so it may immediately feel soft but it may not tackle deeper problems.
Maintain a healthy lifestyle, which includes the intake of Vitamin A, B, C, D and water. Try to control stress as well as diet. Reduce sugar intake. Also maintain your skincare routine, consistency is key. Regular use of SPF and antioxidants protects from UV rays that cause ageing, can worsen hyperpigmentation and rosacea.